Tautoko for mātua taiohi and hapū māmā

The E Tipu E Rea Whānau are here to help you navigate the challenges of parenting with confidence,  with the security and protection of a whānau who are prepared to walk alongside you and help to set up your new life as a parent, ensure that your hauora is good (physically and mentally), your leadership and aspirations are achieved, and together challenge people and systems that can discriminate against you just for being mātua taiohi.  We want you to know that we celebrate and congratulate you and your whānau as you bring your pēpi into tenei ao hurihuri – this changing world.

We ensure your voice is heard, that your lived experience of being a mātua taiohi is valued.  At E Tipu E Rea Whānau Services, our first priority is your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your tamariki or unborn or newborn pēpi.

You already face the challenges of a taiohi and discovering your place in the world – with the challenges of parenting on top of that! It is an exciting but sometimes challenging time.  

The E Tipu E Rea Whānau can assist you with:


We will support you as mātua taiohi to create a positive, supportive whānau around your pēpi, whatever that looks like for you. We will be there alongside you to  create the environment you want for your pēpi.


We co-design workshops, resources, and programmes to support you as mātua taiohi to gather what you need to feel prepared and confident for your role as a parent. We support you to enact your own rangatiratanga. Whatever your interests are to ignite your rangatiratanga as a new parent, we are there to tautoko you – the small things and the big things.

Māmā me Pāpā

E Tipu E Rea provides dedicated support for young dads and mums, with our own lived experienced teen Dad and Mums, and other support networks offering advice, information, and creating space for you as mātua taiohi to kōrero about your experiences, feel confident about your rights as mātua taiohi, and to share your own voice about issues that impact on you.  Together the goal is to create change.


Part of our kaupapa of enabling you as mātua taiohi to thrive is supporting you to further your education, connecting  to you the right resources and pathways. Having your voice with us and together tackling any personal and system barriers  (including discrimination) that get in the way of your education is what we are here for.


Our experienced kaimahi provide advice and advocacy for you as mātua taiohi if you are facing housing issues. We can offer you the security and peace of mind that you are protected and represented by the E Tipu E Rea Whānau who care.  We are an extension of your own whānau.  Our kaimahi while providing you with advice and advocacy, are also trying to tackle housing issues from a policy level, trying to make it easier for you to get what you are entitled to and deserve  for your new whānau.


As a kaupapa Māori organisation, we demonstrate the importance of whanaungatanga and the supportive connections that help young parents and their babies thrive. Whether it is iwi, hapū, community groups, art groups, marae, kapa haka, work experience, a chance to have a say on an issue that impacts you and your community,   other mātua taiohi groups, movies, local events, hauora events, opportunities for your tamariki, pamper nights for you as a young māmā (and pāpā)….we do our best to provide you with a platform to give new things a go, follow your interests, share your voice, get to know what is happening out there, and  stay connected with people that can give you even more opportunities and support.

To find out more about how the E Tipu E Rea Whānau can tautoko you and your whānau – give us a text,  complete our referral form, call, message us on Facebook or email us.

Get in touch.