Ko Tirohia, ko Kerepehi, ko Makomako ōku marae
Ko Tikapa te moana
ko Waihou te awa
Ko Tanui, ko Toharā ōku waka.
Ko Zoe Hawke tōku ingoa
Ko Witikia, ko Paora ōku Whānau.
Nō Hauraki ahau.
Ko Kaitiaki, raua ko Ngātai ōku tama.
Zoe has worked in hauora sector for over 20 years. With qualifications in social work, public health, and community development, she has worked in leadership positions in Māori public health locally and nationally. Zoe has led community engagement teams and policy and advocacy teams in the area of mental health, tobacco control, problem gambling harm prevention, alcohol harm prevention, well-child tamariki ora, nutrition and physical activity, SUDI prevention.
Zoe gains great strength from her māmā, a teenage mother who was an outstanding parent who achieved much in life personally and professionally despite a range of challenges.
Zoe also holds lived experience of the impacts of state care on whānau intergenerationally. This also influences her thinking and approach to providing whānau tautoko.
Zoe currently works to lead the strategic direction of the E Tipu E Rea Whānau Service Board, supports the overall operation of the organisation, and reaching its mission of;
“Supporting mātua taiohi and pēpi to grow, thrive and be rangatira within their whānau and community”.
Zoe holds several board positions on an iwi and community level. Outside of mahi , Zoe loves spending time with her growing boys aged 8 and 11 and her amazing māmā.